Floor building

Building a floor is a great visual advancement in construction. It’s interesting to see how the empty area is transformed, and this will serve as the basis for future activities.

Installing docking gates

Installation of docking gates in our Production-Warehouse Hall S in the Nitra-North Industrial Park.

These gates not only ensure the safe transfer of goods, but also optimise the operation of your warehouse or production area.

We still have 2000 m2 available. Do not hesitate to contact us at nitrainvest@nitrainvest.sk or on 0907 520 574.

Free spaces

We still have 2000 m2 of space available in the Industrial Park Nitra – Sever! Do you need space for production, storage or administration? We are ready to complete them exactly according to your needs.Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or specific requirements. We will be happy to provide you with all…